Saturday, 11 September 2010

suddenly craving ..

I came over this old blog of mine (definitely was unsuccessful *sigh*), and just scrolling around looking what I would write about a year and a half ago. Then, this image popped and I suddenly remember; my home made apple pie was sooo good. There I shared the recipe, and so now I'll share it here. Enjoy:)

My lovely homemade apple pie. Making one is so easy as it is slightly therapeutic (at least, in my opinion). It's so much better to make the crust yourself rather than buying instant ones at the store, and besides, I swear it's easy to make.

For the crust, you'll need :
2 1/2 cups of all purpose flour (and extra for rolling)
1 cup of unsalted butter (cold, not melted)
1 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of sugar
4 to 6 tablespoon of ice water.

Mix the ingredients (except for water and butter) together in a food processor, pulse to mix. Add butter and pulse until mixture resembles coarse meal. Add ice water a tablespoon a time, pulsing until the mixture just begin to clump together. If you pinch some of the dough and it holds together, it's ready. If the dough doesn't hold together, add a little more water and pulse again.
Rest the dough in the refrigerator, and in an hour or so, it is ready to roll!

To make the filling, you'll need :
Apples (if you don't want it too sweet, I'd prefer granny smith)
White Sugar
A pinch of salt
Ground cinnamon
The juice of half a lemon
(All ingredients' measure depends on the size of your pie pan, just taste the mixture from time to time and add things you feel like).

Mix the ingredients together and put it inside a pie pan (already lined with pie crust mixture) and top off with a disk of pie crust on top. Put tiny holes using a fork, and brush the top with egg to make it golden and shiny. Pop it in the oven, and try not to eat a whole pan of it ;)

Happy baking!
Love, Raisa