Wednesday, 8 September 2010

how would you like your tea?

Got this images from my new favorite blog Tea For Joy. The design is by Tina Tsang-- a "quirky but dainty designer" (it's her words, I couldn't find other words perfect enough to describe this design).
Without the legs peeping out, these are already pretty, with the embossed flower texture on ceramic white, but then again-- she has to perfect it with a quirky and sexy women's legs, with gold shoes in detail, peeped out of the cup and teapot. It makes it a gazillion times more interesting.

HOW CUTE, RIGHT? oh-- but it gets better. Check out the design of the milk jug and sugar bath below, and caution-- It's to die for.

All available for sale on Undergrowth Design.

Be quirky, and be dainty ;)