Sunday, 5 September 2010

i'm flushed

Today I finally opened Tarte cheek stain my Dad bought me a month ago, and I must say; I'm totally in love with it. The shade that I'm using is "Flush" which is like this deep berry-ish color, but when you put it on, it became like a soft pink flush you get when a guy you like says 'hi' to you. Yes, it's that cute, and it is that natural. 


As you glide it on your cheek (I used it directly from the tube), it's a bit sticky at first, but after you blend it with your fingers of a brush, the sticky texture will disappear.
I tried to use it on my lips too and I'm loving the result, it makes my lips moisturized as well as giving it a nice deep color, but it definitely does not taste good.

I read about this product on Sephora's website and found out that it has T5 Super Fruit Complex, which consist of goji, acai, maracuja, acerola, and pomegranade that are useful as an antioxidant, anti aging, etc. 
Tarte cheek stain is also formulated without parabens, sulfates, synthetic fragrances, petro-chemicals, and phthalates (whatever that is but it sounds scary).  So I guess the product is good for the skin as well as making it look extra gorgeous.

You can browse through different colors to suit your skin tone best:


Have a prettified day:)
Love, Raisa