Wednesday, 8 September 2010


Lately I've been really ecstatic about color. A cool splash of color everywhere!
Not only that my overloaded ideas and wants has resulted in 0% improvement
to my room project (I'm now seriously considering yellow again. Sigh.), it has kept me searching for new ideas and inspirations which, by now-- I'm sure I have plenty.

Then, browsing in the morning, I found this amazing neutral living room picture that just instantly calms me.


The elegance just stroke me like a lightning-- the perfectly warm ivory color with that black chandelier and just enough black elements. That beautiful end table, and antique- rustic looking 8 legged table, with two lamps with the best shade of green on top.

Maybe having a calm and neutral room isn't so bad at all.
Hey-- I'm just sayin'.

Be inspired...
Love, Raisa