Thursday, 2 September 2010

for the love of interior

before i started rambling on and on...
I'm a huge fan of blogs, and been reading them and saving pictures for inspirations since i don't know when. So a big big sorry for pictures i might upload here but forgot to link back. Feel free to claim, though! The pictures definitely comes from my favorite blogs which you can find on the right side of the screen; there are plenty.

As i mentioned before; I love interior design. I love how perfectly put together a room is, or how messy a space look-- but somehow, it just works. I love it how a single item can tie together a look to a room, and how color never fail to amaze me (that's why i have no favorite color, i just love em all).

But now, as my room is being renovated; when i actually have the chance to put all my thoughts and idea into place, there are just simply too many of them, i couldn't barely know where to start. For example, when it all first started, i was so firm that my new room will be yellow, you know-- happy, quirky, earthy. And i guess, searching for more inspiration was a mistake because it makes you want too many things.

The room is near ready now, and i gotta pick a color somehow. My final choice came after i watched "The Back Up Plan" which starred J.Lo and the handsome Alex O'Loughlin. While i'm not too fond of the movie, J.Lo's character there, has a super gorgeous apartment, and i instantly knew, that's the vibe i'm going for.


With those images on my mind, i started to pile together an 'inspiration board' on Polyvore, and came up with this:


I'm super excited about that, and I'll be posting soon, on how the room is coming together.

have a good day:)
Love, Raisa